
The Liquidity Generation Event (LGE) is designed to provide an initial batch of liquidity to our tokens: Swene (SWN) and Stable (STABLE). This liquidity will be provided on the 2 largest Automatic Market Makers (AMM): PancakeSwap V2 and Uniswap V3.

One important aspect to note for the LGE event is that all of the SWN/STABLE liquidity generated during the event will be locked forever resulting in yield farming rewards from 2 to 3 times higher than non-locking contributors will receive. The yield percentage will be 2 times higher with the liquidity locked forever and a Genesis NFT will be sent at the end of the event to those who participated with at least 1000$ that will give from 10% to 50% increase in the yield depending on the amount invested which would result in 3 times higher yield maximum.


50% of all the circulating supply will be locked forever during this event except if the total marketcap of SWN after the second step of the event is less than $1M, in this case, the amount of SWN tokens locked forever will be decreased and the tokens that have not been locked will be distributed in a yield farming event over a period of 2 months after the LGE end.

Last updated